Tuesday, May 31, 2011

30 Weeks!

Well, today's checkup could have been better.  When the nurse brought me back to take my weight and blood pressure my blood pressure was 130/92, which I knew was high for me considering this whole time it has been in the low 120's over 70's.  When the doctor came in she had asked how I was feeling and I had mentioned that I had been getting leg cramps at night.  I also asked her about my blood pressure.  With those two concerns of mine she suggested that I get blood work done to check my potassium levels and to follow up in 1 week to make sure everything was okay.  Also, she wanted me to have an ultrasound next week as well to check the size of the baby, because my belly was measuring only 27cm today and should be at 30 cm.  She said we shouldb't be too concerned at this point, because it all depends on the way they are laying, but would like to get an ultrasound just to be sure.  So next week June 7th I have a follow up appointment wth the doctor to go over my bloodwork and to get another ultrasound.  Before I left my appointment she has a different nurse come in to take my blood pressure and it was back to normal at 118/74.  So that was good news, I think the first nurse just didn't take her time, because she just did it really quick.  So hopefully everything goes well next week and everything looks good.  Its better to be safe than sorry at this point.  Keep me and Baby Cameron in your thoughts and prayers between now and next week and hope that everything is okay.  Which I am sure it is, Baby Cameron is still very active and heart beat today was 145-150, good and strong.

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