Tuesday, February 8, 2011

String Test

Today my mom and I went to see my best friend's mom who is an RN on a high risk pregnancy floor.  She has been performing the string test on many of her patients and her two oldest daughters and has been 100% on predicting what gender the baby will be.  She had me lay flat and she put my wedding band on a string and dangeled it directly over where the baby should be.  She held her hand really still and at first the ring didn't move at all.  Slowly the ring started to move back and forth just a little bit and then it picked up speed and really started to swing back and forth.  If it goes back it forth it means ITS A BOY!!!  Circles means its a girl.  So according to Sherry we are having a boy.  We are excited to hear this, but we are still waiting to see what the Ultrasound says in 4 weeks.  I talked with my mother-in-law to tell her the results of the string test and somewhat jokingly she said if the ultrasound comes back differently she is coming after Sherry.  HAHA!!!  So I hope Sherry's accuracy rating continues and this baby is a boy.  I will let you all know in 4 weeks and show you proof with pictures.

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