Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday August 17, 2011

Today we had a pediatrician appointment at 9am, setup by Jason, I was worried we were not going to make it on time, but we arrived about 10 minutes early so we could fill out the paperwork.  After I was done with the paperwork, Mr. Cameron thought it was time to eat again, so we went back into the room so he could eat.  The pediatrician appointment went really well, and he had already gained back his weight.  I don't remember if I wrote that in the hospital on Sunday he weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and then was back to 7 pounds 15 ounces at his doctors appointment.  Cameron was very good at his appointment and stayed calm.  He did go through 3 diapers and the only 3 diapers that we had brought with us while we were there.  He peed while the resident was checking him out. Everything checked out good and we don't have to return for a month.  The rest of the day just consisted of peeing, pooping, sleeping, and a little bit of play time.  Mommy and Daddy doing a lot of changing diapers and outfits.  Momaw Rita doing a lot of laundry, cooking, and cleaning.  Tremendous Help!!!  Enjoy the pics!

Car ride to pediatrician

Walking to get the mail

Feeling much better and getting use to little brother

My Sweet Angel

So Precious!

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